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SMS Software


Precision farming isn't about spending endless hours crunching numbers and analyzing data. It's about answering questions that can make you more profitable. That's the simple idea behind Ag Leader's industry-leading SMS Software, an easy-to-use decision-making tool to help you capture the most out of every acre.

SMS Basic


SMS Basic helps you to take data from your field and turn it into smart management decisions, using information gathered from planting through harvest. In a grower/consultant relationship, SMS Basic works in conjunction with SMS Advanced providing even more sophisticated and powerful analysis.

SMS Advanced


SMS Advanced assists you in managing information across many acres, fields and operations. It's ideal for farmers looking for more sophisticated analysis tools and consultants who are working with multiple clients. It includes all of the features of SMS Basic, plus additional tools and features designed to make analysis across multiple fields and operations easy.

SMS Mobile


SMS Mobile allows you to collect in-field information such as crop-scouting, soil sampling, boundaries and more. It offers flexibility to work with most desktop software solutions, as well as syncing seamlessly with SMS Basic and Advanced. Information gathered from SMS Mobile can provide the extra detail needed to make critical management decisions

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