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After many long hours of hard work - planning, planting and applying - you are ready to reap the rewards at harvest. But why wait to see the results when harvest is completed? See what's happening in real-time as your combine moves through the field.


Harvest your crops and data

On-the-go yield comparisons and in-depth performance analysis.

The backbone of precision farming is data. Being able to manage and respond to the massive amount of information you are receiving is vital. When harvesting, you need reliable tools to help not only pull in a good crop but also to understand the significance of your results.  



Yield Monitoring

Observe how field conditions affect yield.

Instantly see yields as you go across the field. Ag Leader provides the most widely used grain yield monitoring technology in the world. Observe how field conditions affect yield, then create and view yield maps to make plans for the next season.

Additional Resources For Greater Productivity

Add Yield Mapping and Steering To Your Operation

SMSâ„¢ Basic Software 
  • Analyze harvest data by field area, application records, as-planted maps, etc.

  • Overlay hybrid/variety maps with harvest maps to determine yield performance.

  • Review yield performance by year.

  • Compare yield maps with other field operations to determine how field activities affected yield across the field.

SteerCommandâ„¢ with GPS 6500 Automated Steering

Reduce operator fatigue with the SteerCommand automated steering system. It's the latest automatic steering technology from Ag Leader, and is the ideal system for your combine, tractor or any other vehicle.

© 2015 Ag Leader Technology. All Rights Reserved.

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